Sunday, January 20, 2019

10 Commandments of Mobile Legends

10. Do not be Greedy

From google

These are the players who over extend too much and end up being killed by the enemy. These kind of players will then put the blame on his teammates for not backing him up.

From google

9. Do not Farmville

These players are the one who are killing all the jungle monsters at the farm site. They do not let their allies to get gold and experience. That is why their allies get less god and experience than the enemy.


From Google


8. Do not Angry

     These players end up being mad when their teammates pick     the hero they wanted to use (especially Marksman).

From Google

7. Do not use Layla

These are the players who pick Layla in the higher tier game and they end up being feeder because Layla is an easy target because of her lac of mobility.

From Google

6. Do not pick two Marksman

This rule is applicable in the lower tier matches. Usually they pick two marksman and end up being beaten because marksman heroes are very weak in early game and it is hard to make them online. One marksman is enough.

From Google

5. Do not practice in Rank Game

These types of players who recently bought a hero and then try to play it in rank game. They are usually the reason why they lose because of lack of mastery. if you want to practice a hero, try to do it in classic or custom mode.

From Google

4. Do not play with no Tank

In the game, having no tank has low possibility of winning. You won't have initiator, as well as damage taker. With that being said, i suggest players to learn how to adjust.

3. Do not be Feeder

Feeder players are one of the reason why M.L. players lose. The reason is, if you feed the enemy, they have a chance to snowball and win the game easily.

From Google

2. Do not A.F.K.

if one of you goes A.F.K (away from keyboard), your winning capability will reduce. It is hard to make team fights if you are lack of man power. Most of the time, you will end up losing but sometimes, you can manage to win.

1. Do not be Cancer

This is the golden rule of the game. cancer players are the kind of players who you don't want to play with. they only play to lose the game. If you combine all the 9 preceding rule, that is the definition of a cancer player.


  1. Nice blog, very recommended in cancer gaming in MLBB !

  2. Rule no.9 is the most worst role of a cancer gaming. Very satisfied in this blog.

  3. I don't play Mobile Legends but I find this somehow helpful! Thanks, I will recommend this blog to my friends!

  4. im not good at this game.... but still im not a cancer

  5. hahahahaha im not good at this game but Im trying not to be a cancer

  6. it changes my perpective in life.. thanks

  7. My classmate name biboy are doing 1-10.
    thanks for the tips, now i can help him to improve playing moba. 😊

  8. Learned a lot of things in this blog 😃😁
