Friday, January 25, 2019


Hi guys, here i am again.. My today's post is about top players of M.L.B.B. here in the philippines with respect to their role. So let's start..


Best Tank

From Google
          The best tank for me is Yellyhaze of bren Esports. He become famous not only here in the Philippines, but also in South Asia. He is known for his iconic hero Chou. he became a Top 1 global chou and show his skills and witt in mobile legends. His chou was always being banned during the M.P.L.(Mobile Legends Bang Bang Professional League) season 1 as well as in M.S.C.(Mobile Legends Bang Bang South East Asia Cup) last year. He also became famous by using Lolita, and Akai. His Grock was also had an impact during M.S.C. by stealing the Lord against AEROWOLF ROXY and won the game.

From Cignal Ultra page on Facebook

Best Fighter

           Yakou gets the best fighter for me, he is known by using Thamus during M.P.L. season 2. He is playing for Cignal Ultra(former D.D.P.G.). Being their captain, he was able to lead them to became M.P.L. season 1 first placer, M.S.C. first placer, and recently they won the M.P.L. season 2 championship. He was being awarded as M.V.P.(Most Valuable Player) during that league. Yakou is also famous for using Leomord, Helcurt, and Claude.

Best Marksman

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Coco is the best Marksman for me, he became famous for bringing Marksman back to the Meta. he is well known by using Hanabi during M.P.L. season 1 and Claude during M.P.L. season 2. he is also a skilled assassin, and fighter. he uses Helcurt, Leomord, and Thamus. He is part of Bren Esports who became Champion during M.P.L. season 1 and M.S.C.. 

From Pheww's Facebook page

Best Assassin

Pheww gets the best Assassin for me, he is a member of Cignal Ultra who became M.P.L. season 1 first placer, M.S.C. first placer and M.P.L. season 2 champion. He is well known by using Lancelot(my idol lancelot user), Fanny(best Fanny in the P.H.), and he can also use Selena(there is a lot of gossips that his selena is the weakness of Bren Esports and the reason why they win the championship). He is the best Assassin user i have ever seen.

Best Mage

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Yuji is the Best Mage user i have ever seen. He became the M.V.P. of the M.S.C. and he is known for using Pharsa(best Pharsa), Kagura( best kagura in the world), Kimmy(got Savage during M.P.L. season 2) and Gusion(best gusion). He is also called Mage God and he is able to beat those top mage users during M.S.C.. He became my idol that is why Mage is also my Main hero.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Hi guys, this time I am going to talk about the top 8 teams in the Philippines. They were rank base on the result of M.P.L season 2. So here they are..

8. A.A.W.M.

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The Ark Angel Wicked Minds are one of the top teams here in the Philippines. In fact, they were able to beat the number 1 team in M.S.C. in the MESA tournament. they were able to compete in Mobile Legends Bang Bang Professional League (M.P.L.) last season and became one of the top 8 in the league. but then, they end up losing by S.X.C. IMBALANCE. Their players are Jaypee, Panda, Jay, Ryo, Exort, and Elle. They show their strengths by having a 4-5 standing during the whole season.

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7. A.A.O.

The Ark Angel Ownage are the sister team of the A.A.W.M.. they also show great plays during the season but they were beaten by Finesee Solid. Their players are Carbonara as their mage,  Lusty(tank), Fuzaken(tank), Cktd as their damage dealer and Lembot as their captain. They were beaten by Finesse Solid by 2-0 (best of 3).


From Google
The Execration(former O.B.S. gaming during the M.P.L. season 1) is one of the most popular team here in the philippines. They are former rank 3 during the M.P.L. season 1 but the lost by S.X.C. IMBALANCE during M.P.L. season 2 in the lower bracket. They have one of the most popular M.L. player/streamer in the Philippines and it is Z4pnu. Z4pnu became top 1 global of some heroes (especially assassin) because of his skills and I.Q. in the game. one of my favorite heroes that he used is fanny and gusion. The other execration team members are P4kbet as mage, Dian(tank), Lard(tank/support), and JEFFQT4ever(Fighter/Marksman).

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                                                    5. Aether Main

Aether Main(former Aether Valkyrie during M.P.L. season 1) is being handled by Dogie and one of the promising teams in the M.P.L.. They were able to compete during the whole season and got into the upper bracket by being top 3. But then, they were beaten by cignal ultra and got them to the lower bracket and being beaten again by the Finesse solid, losing their chance to compete for the grand finals. it was so unexpected that they have lost by the Top 8 seed during the season but they really tried their best and their lost was emotional. their players are Changu, L3bron, Kenji, Ejhay, and Crypt.
From Google


Everyone was shocked when they beat the former top 3 during M.P.L. season 1. It is only their first time to compete in M.P.L. and they surprise every one. they also able to beat Bren Esports(former Aether Main) during the M.P.L. season. They became a Dark Horse in the league but they lost to Finesse solid but all in all they are able to get to the top 4. their members are Honda as their tank, Hadji(Fighter), ARCHI(Marksman), DEXTER(Mage) and BON CHON as support.

From Google

3. Finesse Solid

Same as S.X.C. IMBALANCE, they are also a first timer in the league, but they are already a threat for the top teams. they were able to get at the top for such a short period of time. They also have one of the most young professional player here in the Philippines and also one of the oldest professional player in M.L.B.B. Philippines. They always play without pressure because they were guide by Lex(Their captain/tank) and they also have Karl(their gusion king/mage), they have Dale, Levi, and boo as their other members. I am so excited to see this coming M.P.L. season 3.

2. Bren Esports

From Google
They are my favorite team since M.P.L season 1. I always watch their streams and how they play. they are the former Aether Main and former Champion of M.P.L. season 1. They were also able to compete in Indonesia representing the Philippines and became a Champion of Mobile Legends South East Asia Cup(M.S.C.). their team is the best of the best in M.L.B.B.. They won many championships in their career. They have Pein(Captain, all around role), Ribo(all around player, M.P.L. season 1 M.V.P.), Coco(Fighter,Assassin, best Fighter in the league for me), Haze(Best tank, Top 1 global Chou, Chou God) and Yuji(Mage God, M.S.C. M.V.P.). They were the number 1 in the Philippines even in South East Asia but they were beaten by Cignal Ultra during the Grand Finals of M.P.L. season 2. (BREN PADIN PINAKAMALAKAS)

From Google

1. Cignal Ultra 

Here we go, going to the currently top 1 team here in the Philippines. The Cignal Ultra(former D.D.P.G. or Digital Devils Pro Gaming) were formerly top 2 during M.P.L season one and even in the M.S.C.. They were always be just before Bren Esports but last M.P.L. season 2, they proved to all that they can steal the throne from the Brean Esports. They have shown their strength by beating Bren Esports by 3-1 during the finals. They are my second favorite team because they have Yakou(M.P.L. season 2 M.V.P.), Dee(one of the best tank/support in the league), Tets(Lolita God, best lolita user in the league), Dysania(Mage user, probably second of the best after Yuji) and last but not the least, Pheww(their assassin) he is one of my favorite player in the league, i love how he play Lancelot, and Fanny. Cignal Ultra really deserves that championship.. as per Pein(Bren Esports captain) Cignal ultra were like brother to them.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

10 Commandments of Mobile Legends

10. Do not be Greedy

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These are the players who over extend too much and end up being killed by the enemy. These kind of players will then put the blame on his teammates for not backing him up.

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9. Do not Farmville

These players are the one who are killing all the jungle monsters at the farm site. They do not let their allies to get gold and experience. That is why their allies get less god and experience than the enemy.


From Google


8. Do not Angry

     These players end up being mad when their teammates pick     the hero they wanted to use (especially Marksman).

From Google

7. Do not use Layla

These are the players who pick Layla in the higher tier game and they end up being feeder because Layla is an easy target because of her lac of mobility.

From Google

6. Do not pick two Marksman

This rule is applicable in the lower tier matches. Usually they pick two marksman and end up being beaten because marksman heroes are very weak in early game and it is hard to make them online. One marksman is enough.

From Google

5. Do not practice in Rank Game

These types of players who recently bought a hero and then try to play it in rank game. They are usually the reason why they lose because of lack of mastery. if you want to practice a hero, try to do it in classic or custom mode.

From Google

4. Do not play with no Tank

In the game, having no tank has low possibility of winning. You won't have initiator, as well as damage taker. With that being said, i suggest players to learn how to adjust.

3. Do not be Feeder

Feeder players are one of the reason why M.L. players lose. The reason is, if you feed the enemy, they have a chance to snowball and win the game easily.

From Google

2. Do not A.F.K.

if one of you goes A.F.K (away from keyboard), your winning capability will reduce. It is hard to make team fights if you are lack of man power. Most of the time, you will end up losing but sometimes, you can manage to win.

1. Do not be Cancer

This is the golden rule of the game. cancer players are the kind of players who you don't want to play with. they only play to lose the game. If you combine all the 9 preceding rule, that is the definition of a cancer player.